ESM & Her Art Studio
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life," Picasso
Art ... a feast for the eye
and soul
Teaching art--using both watercolor and oils--has been one of my greatest pleasures.
The UNHEARD POET and Rackham's CAT
Jalapeno cheese bread
cradled like children
and grandchildren in
the maternity ward
hallway. A natural
ease born of wonderful
experience and grace.
My page, your canvas
waiting to be filled
freed from emptiness
awaiting creation
bringing fulfillment
the cat walks along
the fence and out of the
we tell them
where it went.
Arther Rackham, 1867-1939
One morning I walked into the Village to buy a loaf of Jalapeno cheese bread I had ordered the day before. Passing the coffee shop I noticed a young man seated at one of the patio tables with a cup of coffee, small typewriter, and a sign: Free Poems.
He caught my curiosity as I walked on down the street to the bakery.
Returning, with my fresh loaf of bread, he was still here...sitting alone. I started to walk on by, then hesitated, 'Why pass him by?"
I sat down. He smiled, "Would you like for me to write a poem for you?"
Yes, please.
He asked a question or two...I offered I was a grandmother, showed him the bakery's beautiful Jalapeno bread, and mentioned I was a landscape artist.
He put a sheet of paper into the typewriter, his fingers on the small keyboard...and typed without stopping...then handed the paper to me.
Smiling, I thanked him, gave him all the money I had--change from my purchase--and walked home, thinking: 'life can be totally amazing!'
I'd already been gifted with the refrigerator magnet...the cat walking along the fence. Now, his poem, Rackham's image, art telling the world a story about the exploring cat.